
Sadr al-Dīn-zāde Fatĥallāh al-Shirvānī’s Treatise on Human Acts: An Examination and Critical Edition


One of the major challenge for the idea that the universe is designed and created by an omniscient agent is the problem of will and freedom. The case point is composed of subproblems which are related to connection between the responsibility and freedom with regard to human and to be given room for human in divine design to realize his voluntary acts with regard to the Creator. The accompaniment of divine will and omnipotence to divine knowledge on the one hand and the human who dwell in a World he didn’t create by his will, but give shape to it by making voluntary choices on the other hand deepen the puzzle further. The individual life with a beginning and an end which carry a predetermination that is framed by different abilities, opportunities and conditions compounded with the individual’s free will and choices created a situation that has paved way for some approachments. Some scholars contended that what is going on both in the created phenomenal world and human sphere of voluntary acts is the actualisation of uncaused divine will and preference by absolute power. According to some other scholars the human creates and makes exist his acts by power which is bestowed by the Creator. With respect to third treatment the human himself, his proficiencies, natural faculties, skills, abilities and acts are manifestations of divine names. The scholars who are close to this idea but not satisfied with it attached the dispositions of existents to the examination of human acts. This work contains a study and critical-edition of an treatise attributed to Sadr al-Dīn-zāde Fatĥallāh al-Shirvānī (d. 1076/1666) in which he particularly centered upon the last approachment.


Islamic Theology Sadr al-Dīn-zāde Fatĥallāh al-Shirvānī human acts creation will disposition